Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

People Sometimes Think Life Is Supposed To Be Easy

Christians sometimes believe life is supposed to be easy and if it is not, we are doing something wrong, when that is not necessarily the case. Bad things happen to good people. It is in those times that we must proverbially fight in a peaceful manner, to stand up for our beliefs. God never said life would be easy. But He has promised to never leave or forsake you and help you through it.

Movie Review - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows – Part 1

Title: Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows – Part 1

Year Of Release: 2011

Review Date: June 30, 2011

Rating: PG-13

Running time: 146 minutes

Box Office Gross: $954,501,070

Site Rating: 0 out of 10 stars

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1" is the seventh film in the series. The movie is about a wizard named Harry Potter and his friends, who are pursued by sorcerers.

Each Harry Potter film seems to get darker, which is ironic, as its main audience is comprised of children. Many of the book readings held at stores, are mostly frequented by children and their parents as well.

This film was no different and it is the stuff nightmares are made of, which makes one question the sense in providing such ghoulish imagery to kids. The plot revolves around a stolen wand being sought as a means to kill Harry Potter, which is not a wholesome image for its core audience.

The special effects were slightly above average, but the actual film was dark as well, literally, as in poorly lit and on purpose to create a menacing mood. However, it only created eye strain during certain scenes of this ungodly tale.

Movie Review - I Am Number Four

Title: I Am Number Four

Year Of Release: 2011

Review Date: June 30, 2011

Rating: PG-13

Running time: 114 minutes

Box Office Gross: $144,492,830

Site Rating: 0 out of 10 stars

"I Am Number Four" is the derivative science fiction film produced by "Transformers" director, Michael Bay. It follows the life of an alien from another planet that enrolls at a high school in Ohio, after leaving Florida. This film is unoriginal, strange and convoluted. Some of its scenes are very dark and satanic, with a strange plot so ridiculous, it really is not worth following.

Movie Review - Code Hunter

Title: Code Hunter

Year Of Release: 2002

Review Date: June 30, 2011

Rating: R

Running time: 100 minutes

Box Office Gross: N/A

Site Rating: 3 out of 10 stars

"Code Hunter" is the fictional story of a hacker being blackmailed into stealing technology for an unscrupulous enemy that seeks to control, then wipe out humanity with their insanity. He seeks help from a newscaster, played by Vanessa Marcil (the mother of Megan Fox's stepson) who is reluctant to assist him, due to his story being ambiguous.

The film has guest appearances by rappers Coolio and Tone Loc. This film contains unnecessary cursing, which is why it was probably slapped with an R rating, limiting its audience. Though the film was somewhat low budget, it wasn't that bad in how it was filmed, in terms of picture quality and special efx.

Movie Review - Ice Age 3

Title: Ice Age 3

Year Of Release: 2009

Review Date: June 30, 2011

Rating: G

Running time: 94 minutes

Box Office Gross: $886,686,817

Site Rating: 3 out of 10 stars

"Ice Age 3" is the animated film about a couple of elephants preparing for the birth of their newborn that is on the way. Other animals in their pride help as well. However, Sid, a sniveling, trouble prone animal in the pride, who is a friend of elephants, gets broody and decides to steal the eggs of another, wanting to be a parent as well (he must be related to Madonna snatching people’s kids like that).

Little does Sid know, he stole dinosaur eggs and the mother, a Tyrannosaurus, was coming after him with a vengeance. Sid brings terrible trouble on the entire herd with his act of theft in disturbing the Tyrannosaurus and her set. "Ice Age 3" was an engaging film that many kids found entertaining. In short, if you have kids, this movie will keep them relatively quiet for 94 minutes.

Movie Review - Yogi Bear

Title: Yogi Bear

Year Of Release: 2010

Review Date: June 30, 2011

Rating: G

Running time: 80 minutes

Box Office Gross: $201,584,141

Site Rating: 3 out of 10 stars

"Yogi Bear" is the animated film about the bear of the same name. Yogi Bear and his docile sidekick, Boo Boo, work to defeat a derivative plot, by a corrupt politician to cut down all the trees in JellyStone national park, a take off of Yellow Stone.

This kids cartoon has a few uncomfortable moments due to somewhat adult jokes. For example, there is a scene in the film where Yogi begins dancing provocatively to the song "Baby Got Back" by rapper Sir Mix Alot.

Then there's, Ranger Jones, who had a little sugar in his tank and staring at the head male ranger a little too hard, while he goes after the leading lady.

Yogi's dating advice was not the brightest (then again, neither is Yogi). He told Ranger Smith to "urinate on" the woman he has a crush on to mark his territory. At that point I thought to myself, who wrote this, R. Kelly.

Mark Halperin Calls President Obama A Di*k On Television

Barack Obama: no he didn't!

This has not been a good month for U.S. President Barack Obama. The economy is in the toilet and continues its downward spiral and polls in America indicate any of his rivals in the Republican party would beat him if the presidential election were held today.

Now comes word that journalist Mark Halperin called Obama a "di*k" on live television. Halperin has been suspended from the network indefinitely. If it had been two and a half years ago and Dick Cheney was still in office, this really would not be a problem, because that's his name.


Rivals Use Bad Economy As Primary Tool In Their Bid To Oust President Obama

Billionaire Tells Obama To Resign Over The Economy

A Majority Of Americans Feel They Were Better Off Before President Obama

Gallup Poll: Any Republican Would Beat Obama If The Presidential Election Was Held Today

FBI Watched Underage Porn Star For 3-Years Before Stopping The Sex Crimes

Traci Lords as a teen

According to an excerpt from the book "Traci Lords: Underneath It All" which is the autobiography of porn star, Traci Lords, when the FBI finally moved in on her case, when she was 18-years-old, they let her know they had been, "Monitoring her for three years." Lords was a runaway, who was raped at age 10 by her mother's boyfriend, Roger, who was a cocaine dealer.

She became hooked on cocaine as well and began making pornographic films at age 15. This means the FBI sat idly by for three years, while a underage girl was terribly exploited in a sexual manner. Over the course of three years, Lords was also paid a mere $35,000 to star in 100 pornographic films and take pictures of the same.

Traci Lords (left) in her twenties wearing a look and posing in a photograph singer Lady Gaga has since ripped off, in acts of chronic theft of copyright (Lady Gaga Stole Dead Singer's Image And Persona) and Lady Gaga Copying Other Artists Work)

Lady Gaga

The production companies and distributors made millions, as the FBI looked the other way. This wait and see policy the FBI operates under, has caused many a national and world crisis, resulting in the deaths of many innocent people, due to the agency's criminal negligence.

Currently, the FBI is investigating the case of 15-year-old runaway, Charrida Smalley, who was exploited in a vile manner by Miami company RK Medianet, for a very graphic pornographic film, also starring a 24-year-old bisexual male.

Traci Lords' autobiography about her life and having left the porn industry behind in the 1980s

RK Medianet, which also goes by the name Reality Kings, charged $1 per viewing on the internet for the sick child porn titled "C*m Fiesta." Though the company took the video down when the scandal erupted, there are many websites online hosting the video and screen caps from it, as listed in Google and they should face prison for it as well.

More recently, parents of missing kids accused the FBI of telling them to buzz off, in a story so terrible in made the mainstream press. Clearly there is something very wrong at the FBI for them to consistently sit idly by while innocent people are victimized and exploited (FBI Denounced By Parents Of Missing Kids).


15-Year-Old Porn Star's Case Leaves Many Questions Unanswered

FBI Denounced By Parents Of Missing Kids

Aaron Carter Says Michael Jackson Gave Him Cocaine And Wine As A 15-Year-Old

What is he talking about, Michael Jackson wasn't strange at all (sarcasm)

Singer and actor, Aaron Carter, stated in an interview this week, the late pop star, Michael Jackson, gave him cocaine and wine at age 15, which was illegal. Jackson died in 2009 of a drug overdose, after spending years as an addict.

Aaron Carter as a young boy

Jackson has also been accused of giving other children wine and improperly having his own child placed under anesthesia, for a dental procedure that did not require it (Michael Jackson Had Son Improperly Put Under Anesthesia).

Aaron Carter as an adult

Carter spoke of the horrible impact Jackson's alleged conduct had on him, "(Michael) He gave me wine. I mean, I could have refused, but I was 15. He gave me cocaine. I felt weird about that and other stuff…I admitted Michael, but his behavior bothered me a lot.”


Aaron Carter Says Michael Jackson Gave Him Wine & Cocaine at 15-Years-Old

“He gave me wine. I mean, I could have refused, but I was 15. He gave me cocaine. I felt weird about that and other stuff…I admitted Michael, but his behavior bothered me a lot.”


Justin Bieber Calls BET Security Man A "Dou*he Bag"

Justin Bieber

17-year-old pop singer, Justin Bieber, slammed a BET security guard at the network's awards show as a "dou*he bag" for now allowing both his bodyguards in without a ticket. The man was doing his job and was insulted on camera for following the rules BET gave him. The miscommunication resulted in a confrontation at the entrance to the awards.

Days prior to the incident, Bieber's bodyguards had a run in with Macy's security, via a NYPD under cover police officer. In another incident that occurred last year, Bieber's bodyguard was arrested for slamming a photographer against a vehicle.


Justin Bieber Tackled By Undercover Police In Store

Justin Bieber's Bodyguard Arrested For Assault

Nicki Minaj Slammed For Her Sexually Charged Speech To Justin Bieber


Bieber Rips BET Security -- 'This Guy's a D-Bag'

Beyonce's New Album Flops


Beyonce Knowles' new album entitled "4" has flopped, as did the first two copyright infringing singles from the project, "Girls" and "1+1." It was initially reported the disc would be pushed back, but it wasn't and now it has failed.

Sony is going to lose a significant amount of money on the project, as they have spent millions on recording, video production, marketing, promotion, payola and bribing certain mainstream sites and blogs for favorable coverage, expecting a sure hit.

The heavily promoted album is projected to sell 270,000 copies in its debut week. Her previous album "Sasha Fierce" sold double that amount in 2008, registering a reported 463,000 copies sold in the first week of sales. The second week fall off in sales for the album "4" shall be quite high, as said mainstream album opened with such a low tally, especially in comparison to its predecessor.

This marks the first flop of Knowles' career and it is richly deserved, for her well-documented, chronic acts of criminal copyright infringement, in willfully, deliberately and feloniously stealing the intellectual property of others, for undue millions, awards and accolades, she is not entitled to under the law.


Beyonce's New Album Flops

Report: Beyonce's Failed CD That Leaked Pushed Back

Beyonce's First Two Singles From Her New Album Flop

The British Government Is Cracking Down On Raunchy Singers

Beyonce Steals Again But This Time From Sam Cooke, En Vogue & A European Artist

Beyonce Knowles Settles Copyright Infringement Case

Producer: Beyonce Stole Credit For Bootylicious

Beyonce Keeps Stealing From The Braxton Family

Beyonce Sued For Racketeering

Jay-Z And Mary J. Blige Sued For Stealing Song

Stars And Satan

Jay-Z, Beyonce, Rihanna And The Occult - Part 1

Butt Shaking Beyonce Strikes Again

You're Only As Good As Your Last Hit

MySpace Bought For $600,000,000 Sold For $35,000,000

Rupert Murdoch: boy I've lost a boatload

In an act that screams business fail on the part of News Corp, the once popular social networking website, My Space, was purchased by the aforementioned company's founder, Rupert Murdoch, for $600,000,000 and now sold a few years later in a fire sale for $35,000,000.

Has MySpace become a place for no one

This occurred due to the emergence of social networking websites Twitter and Facebook. The public shifted its attention from My Space and down went its value. It is being stated, not even My Space's founders use the site anymore. It's very competitive out there in said realm of internet sites.

Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Obama Tells America To Up Its Game

Barack Obama

This article is a continuation of the Judiciary Report's theme of "oh no he didn't" concerning President Barack Obama. Yesterday, President Obama told Americans to, "Up your game." How ironic, because over a year ago, on March 17, 2010, the Judiciary Report wrote that, "What Mr. Obama needs to do is raise his game."

President Obama has absolved himself of all responsibility in the financial crisis that he has greatly worsened, opting to meddle in the Middle East as his top priority, rather than focusing on more pressing matters at home - the U.S. economy and the mass suffering transpiring in America as a result of its deteriorated state.

It's not the everyday American that's the problem, as Obama is suggesting, because citizens have worked and paid their taxes. It's the Obama Administration and Congress that have become the problem, greenlighting unruly spending that has eaten away at the taxpayers' money in the U.S. Treasury and simply will not pan out in the end, as painful evidence regarding the economy has been showing month after month. Therefore, regarding your derivative advice telling everyone to "up your game"...you first.


Back In Iowa, Obama Says USA Must Up Its Game


Billionaire Tells Obama To Resign Over The Economy

Obama's Broken Priorities Damaging The Economy

Barack Obama

President Obama has irresponsibly absolved himself of all responsibility in the financial crisis that he has greatly worsened, opting to meddle in the Middle East, rather than focusing on more pressing matters at home - the U.S. economy and the mass suffering transpiring in America as a result of it. His Muslim roots led him to do so, forsaking all else, such as the economy, in what is a dereliction of duty.

I was told on good authority by one of my sources responsible for some of my exclusives that President Obama orchestrated the war in Libya but asked Europe to initiate the bombing, to make it appear he only has a supporting role. An overwhelming majority of Americans want no part in the war in Libya and want the nation's resources pulled from the bloody venture that has killed innocent civilians.

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

To show how hypocritical the war in Libya is, President Obama has given millions in funding to a group of rebels that admit they are Al Qaeda. If an American citizen had done such a thing they would have been arrested, charged with treason and "providing material support to terrorists." Just tell the truth, as some in Congress have, you invaded Libya for oil and to undemocratically install who you want in office, not the people.

America is swimming in national debt, due to the deficit, which President Obama has greatly added to, more than any other president in U.S. history, yet he has started another war that is costing the nation billions it can't afford. This conduct is highly irresponsible, illogical and not to mention, illegal, as he had no mandate to invade Libya, bomb and kill two of the head of state's children and two of his underage grandchildren.

President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and their daughters Malia (left) and Sasha (right)

And anyone who can stand up and say it was right and appropriate to bomb civilians, in deeds that resulted in the deaths of underage children, you are the devil incarnate and you should hope something so horrific does not befall you and yours one day, in the name of battle, for applauding such an abhorrent thing.

Most people do not agree with Gadhafi's politics, I certainly don't, but this was not the way to go about it. You have killed his family members, civilians that did not engage you in any manner. The President is always speaking affectionately of his daughters, yet amazingly show absolutely no mercy to another man's children of the same age that perished in a horrific blaze of bombs, all in the name of an illegal war.


Obama Ordered Bombing Kills Gadhafi’s Son, Underage Grandchildren & Destroys School For Disabled Kids

15-Year-Old Porn Star's Case Leaves Many Questions Unanswered

Charrida Smalley A/K/A "Bieyanka Moore"

15-year-old runaway, Charrida Smalley, going by the stage name, Bieyanka (a take on singer Beyonce’s name) ended up in a very graphic and explicit pornographic film entitled, "C*m Fiesta" shot by Miami company, RK Netmedia. Using a fake ID, she had sex on camera with 24-year-old bisexual male Chris Commando, real name, Fernando Marrero.

Charrida Smalley A/K/A "Bieyanka Moore"

According to her mother Sherrita Smalley, the underage girl has a tattoo of small stars on her neck, like singer Rihanna, who coincidentally has been behaving like a porn star in her unoriginal music videos and debauched, x-rated concert performances.

Charrida Smalley A/K/A "Bieyanka Moore"

Charrida's mother, Sherrita Smalley, found out about the movie and recognized "Bieyanka" as her missing underage daughter, who had run away from home, but was now performing in a pornographic film under the aforementioned fake name.

24-year-old Cris Commando (Fernando Marrero), a bisexual porn star, who is said to have appeared in many films, engaging in intercourse with men and women, had sex with 15-year-old Charrida Smalley in the 2010 movie "C*m Fiesta" in criminal violation of the law

Sherrita Smalley contacted the FBI, who is reportedly investigating the case. Considering the scores of laws broken in this case, let’s see if the FBI will fail like they often do, especially where money is concerned or do the right thing for a change and arrest all involved in this horrific exploitation of a minor.

Beyonce, performing one of her softcore porn dance routines in a see through, barely there dress

RK Netmedia quickly took the video down from the internet, but they deserve to spend a significant stretch of time in federal prison, as it appears they orchestrated the entire episode to insidiously exploit a minor. Smalley's mother has sued RK Netmedia for, "Sexual battery, statutory rape and child pornography." The FBI needs to get off their duffs and bring a far reaching criminal case, to send a clear message, as I have read of a similar case involving another minor.

Rihanna grabbing her crotch in concert in front of kids and adults alike in her greedy quest for money and fame

This story is more proof of what mainstream singers such as Beyonce, Rihanna and Britney Spears, are teaching young girls - how to grow up too fast and prostitute themselves, under the guise of being cool and trendy. What a terrible example to set. You should be ashamed of yourselves. " Take a bow" (sarcasm).


Teen porn star Bieyanka Moore's disaster

Bieyanka Moore, Reality Kings' 15-Year-Old Porn Star?

Porn star Bieyanka Moore is 15 year-old runaway Charrida Smalley


The British Government Is Cracking Down On Raunchy Singers

Shia LaBeouf Slammed For Blabbing About Having Sex With Megan Fox

Megan Fox

"Transformers" actor, Shia LaBeouf, is being slammed on newspaper sites, blogs and social networking, for blabbing to the world that he had sex with former co-star, Megan Fox, who was fired by executive director, Steven Spielberg, for calling fellow Jewish director, Michael Bay, "Hitler."

Megan Fox won an "Iris Award" this month, but it should have been the mattress award

Fox uttered the insensitive insult during an interview with Wonderland magazine and it left Spielberg furious, demanding the young actress be axed from the franchise (*cough* she couldn't be that anti-Semitic doing the horizontal mambo with LaBeouf, who is also Jewish).

Patrick Dempsey, Shia LaBeouf, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Tyrese Gibson at the "Transformers 3" premiere

Many people are stating LaBeouf is no gentleman for kissing and telling. Fox has kept silent (probably because she cheated on Brian Austin Green, who she later married). Some are calling LaBeouf dorky, in comparison to bombshell Fox, but there is nothing wrong with his appearance. However, he and Fox have been quietly promiscuous with people in Hollywood and that's the problem.


Rosie Huntington Whiteley Is Receiving Bad Reviews For Transformers

Megan Fox Had Sex With Shia LaBeouf

Public Feedback On Megan Fox's Absence In Transformers 3

Megan Fox

The Judiciary Report has been reading feedback from a number of websites, such as Twitter and popular blogs' comments sections and many people are not happy with the absence of Megan Fox in the "Transformers 3" film, which she helped to make famous.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

To make matters worse, her replacement, Victoria Secret model, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, is receiving terrible reviews from the press and public alike for her role in the third installment of the franchise. As the Judiciary Report stated beginning last year, it was not a good idea replacing Fox midstream or with Whiteley, who is a model, not an actress.


Rosie Huntington Whiteley Is Receiving Bad Reviews For Transformers

Megan Fox Had Sex With Shia LaBeouf

Michael Bay Slams Megan Fox As A Small Speed Bump

Will Steven Spielberg Break His Silence About Having Megan Fox Fired

Megan Fox Mum On Transformers Cast Allegations About Her Firing

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Thinks Megan Fox Is Not A Rival

Steven Spielberg Ordered Michael Bay To Fire Megan Fox

Megan Fox Replacement Looks Uncomfortable On Set

Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Rivals Use Bad Economy As Primary Tool In Their Bid To Oust President Obama

Barack Obama

Rival Republicans are using America's collapsed economy as the primary tool in their bid to oust President Barack Obama from the White House in the 2012 election. Throughout his presidency, the U.S. economy experienced deterioration and record lows.

Everyone from Mitt Romney to Michele Bachmann are pointing out the economy is getting worse, not improving under Obama. Despite the Democrats best efforts to rally the mainstream press in the President's favor, polls overwhelmingly indicate the American people are very unhappy about the state of the economy and shall vote accordingly. For a presidency that started off with such promise, it's a shame it has detoured into disaster. Before you know it, 2012 will be here.


Billionaire Tells Obama To Resign Over The Economy

A Majority Of Americans Feel They Were Better Off Before President Obama

Gallup Poll: Any Republican Would Beat Obama If The Presidential Election Was Held Today

Megan Fox Had Sex With Shia LaBeouf

Megan Fox: uh oh!

"Transformers" actor, Shia LaBeouf, admitted today that he had sex with Megan Fox and during the time she was dating Brian Austin Green, who later became her husband in 2010. In the July 28, 2008 article "Actor Shia Labeouf Arrested On DUI Charges" the Judiciary Report rhetorically asked regarding Fox and Labeouf, "I wondered before why those two never dated...or did they."

Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox kissing in 2008

Months later, reports surfaced of Fox leaving LaBeouf's home very early in the morning, which led other websites to write they were having sex. During Fox's relationship with Green, he cheated on her as well. Hollywood is so promiscuous.

Michael Bay regarding Shia LaBeouf's admission: I'm going to break his legs!

Fox recently claimed she's practically a virgin, who's only had sex with two men - her high school sweetheart, Benjamin Leahy and her husband, Brian Austin Green. Yet, when LaBeouf made claims today of previously having sex with her, she issued a "we have no comment" in response to press inquiries on the matter. Previously, I told you she was lying about the number of men she slept with (Megan, What About David Gallagher).

Michael Bay, Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox in 2009

LaBeouf conveniently waited to release this information, regarding sleeping with Fox, until days ahead of "Transformers 3" hitting theatres and when he is well out of director Michael Bay's reach on a film set, having stated this was his last sequel in the franchise. Fox was fired on Steven Spielberg's order, for calling fellow Jewish director, Bay, "Hitler" in Wonderland magazine.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley: why do they say I can't act. I read Acting for Dummies.

Bay became obsessed with Fox and had Labeouf's admission come during film, he would have dipped Shia in hot wax, claiming it was integral to the part, doing so secretly as a means to punish him. Speaking of that, Bay likes torturing women.

Optimus Prime: I slept with Megan too

His new leading lady, Victoria Secret model, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, stated this week that he made her walk through hot sand for over 10 minutes, in extreme temperatures, whilst wearing very high heels, all for his amusement, when it wasn't even related to work. Bay has serious issues.


Rosie Huntington Whiteley Is Receiving Bad Reviews For Transformers

Bristol Palin Says Levi Johnston Took Her Virginity When She Was Drunk

Technically That Was Rape

Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin and her son Trip

Bristol Palin, the daughter of politician, Sarah Palin, stated in her newly released autobiography, former boyfriend, Levi Johnston, took her virginity, while she was drunk on wine coolers. It resulted in an unplanned pregnancy and a scandal during the 2008 election. Bristol gave birth to son Trigg Palin and denounced Johnston's bad case of diarrhea mouth, in betraying the family's secrets to the public.

Levi Johnston

Palin maintains Johnston did not rape her, but under the law, if you have sex with someone that is drunk, incapacitated from medication, mentally disabled or unconscious for whatever reason, that is considered rape, as consent cannot be coherently granted. Young women need to be careful, as there are males out there that will ply females with liquor, claiming they are loosening them up, then proceed to have sex with them at a time they cannot grant consent.


Report: Bristol Palin Had Plastic Surgery

Bristol Palin Buys Arizona Home

Bristol Palin Calls The Wedding Off

Sarah Palin Unhappy Over Daughter's Engagement

About Derek J's Wardrobe

I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say Derek J is gay (Photo Credit: Freddy O)

The Bible says a man shall not wear clothes that pertains to a woman (and vice versa) and the more I see Derek J's little ensembles, I can see why. The "Real Housewives Of Atlanta" hairdresser would look so much better in men's clothes.

I have no words for this ensemble

Boo, why are you posing in front of the laundry


Has "Basketball Wives" Topped "The Real Housewives Of Atlanta"

Gabrielle Union Slams Reality Show Stars As "Jackas*es"